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Eune Platinum 5 Acc/good Mmr /98 Owned Champ /54 Skin/3 Chroma/15 Loot Skins/2 Chest 7 Runes Pages


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Platinum 5 acc/ last season G5/332 Mastery Score /Good MMR
98 owned Champ /54 Skin/3 Chroma/15 Loot Skins/2 Chest
7 Runes pages  180€+Paypal

Ultimate skins
Dj Sona
Forecast Janna

Surprise Party Amummu
Surprise Party Fidlesticks
Star Guardian Jinx
Firefighter Tristana

Epic Skins
Mecha Atrox
Pool Party Fiora
Pool Party Mundo
Gatekeeper Galio
Star Guardian Janna
Forsaken Jayce
Project Katarina
Project Leona
Project Lucian
Project Yasuo
Mecha Malphite +2 croma white and blue
Pool Party Miss Fortune
Pool Party Leona
Arcade Miss Fortune+ Purple Croma
Dark Star Varus

Champion Ship Zed
Spirit Team Anivia (this skin on ebay cost 20-30 euro)

Prom Queen Annie
Franken Timbers Annie
Frejlord Ashe
Definetly Not Blitzcrank

Snow Day Gnar
Snow Day Malzahar
Snow Dat Ziggs
Challenger Nidale

Zombie Ryze
Poroking Sejuani
Sweetheart Sona
Vindicator Vayne

Riot Kayle
Viktorious Maokai

Normal skins
Unchained Alistar
Maurader Alistar
Maurader Sivir
Maureder Nautilus
Reverse Annie
Amethyst Ashe
Crycore Brand
Nightmare Cho Gath
Bandito Fidlesticks
Nightblade Irelia
Frostblade Irelia
Valkyrie Leona
Steel Legion Lux
Waterloo Miss Fortune
Ghost Bride Morgana
Badger Teemo

Firfang Warwick

Loot Skins
Arcade Riven
Battle cast kog maw (Epic Skin)
Battle cast Velkoz (Epic Skin)
Blackfrost Anivia (Legendary)
Candy King Ivern (Epic Skin)
El Tigre Braum (Epic Skin)
Head Hunter Akali (Epic Skin)
Infernal Nasus (Legendary)
Jade Fang Cassiopeia
Order Lotus Karma
Pool Party Skarner (Epic Skin)
Pool Party Taric (Epic Skin)
Snow Day Syndra (Epic Skin)
Soulstealer Vladimir (Epic Skin)
Super Galaxy Kindred (Epic Skin)


Edited by stefrs
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