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Mega Adapt Code Faction-J-Frozen


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hello guys


i adapt a code from l2claw faction to L2jFrozen

is working good but need more work. i bored to fix

problems and i shared it so if any need open this project

need working on it.


i have remove some code

1) seven sings

2) grandboss

3) dimensional rift

4) four_sepulchers_spawnlist


Configs list

#                      Faction Engine
#Enable Triple Faction Engine 
FactionEngineEnabled = true

#Faction Names
Team1Name = Good
Team2Name = Evil
Team3Name = [GM]Team
#Team Name Colors in RGB format.
Team1ColorName = FF0000
Team2ColorName = 0000E0
Team3ColorName = 00FF00

# Team1 Faction Base location (x, y, z, min, max)
FactionTeam1Base = 147451,27480,-2204,50,50

# Team2 Faction Base location (x, y, z, min, max)
FactionTeam2Base = -14167,122140,-2989,50,50

# Spawn location for newbies (x, y, z, min, max)
FactionNewbieBase = 17724,110385,-6655,50,50

#Enable or Disable .online command to see online status of all factions
EnableOnlinePlayersVC = True
#Show online status of all factions on login
EnableOnlinePlayersEnterworld = True

#Enable or Disable anti pvp farm by IP protection
EnableProtectionIP = True
#Enable or Disable anti pvp farm on same clan
EnableProtectionClan = True
#Enable or Disable anti pvp farm on same ally
EnableProtectionAlly = True
#Enable or Disable anti pvp farm by PDef protection (If target Pdef is less than "ProtectionArmourAmount" , player won't be rewarded)
EnableProtectionArmour = True
ProtectionArmourAmount = 300

# Round time. After round end, players will receive voting html to vote for next map
# 120 = 2h. 60 = 1h. Default: 120 (In minutes)
MapTimeDuration = 2

# Teleport all players back to base on round end. Default: False
FactionEnableAutoTeleportToBase = True

# Enable or Disable map voting system. If disabled, map will be changed to the next on list.
FactionEnableMapVoting = true

#Custom levels at start and for subclass.
StartingLevel = 75
StartingLevelSubClass = 75

#                     Sp, Item rewards for flags
# Enable or Disable skill points and item reward by capturing enemy flag
FactionPlayerGetSpFlag = True

#Skill points amount, which player will receive by capturing enemy flag (first - clan level 1-5)(second - clan level 5-7)(third - clan level 7-8)(no clan - third)
FactionEngineAmmountSpFirstFlag = 1000
FactionEngineAmmountSpSecondFlag = 500
FactionEngineAmmountSpThirdFlag = 250

# Item reward, which player will receive by capturing enemy flag
# (first - clan level 1-5)(second - clan level 5-7)(third - clan level 7-8)(no clan = third)
# item_id,amount;item_id,amount...
# Clan 1-5
FactionFlagReward1 = 57,3
# Clan 5-7
FactionFlagReward2 = 57,5
# Clan 7-8
FactionFlagReward3 = 57,6
# No Clan
FactionFlagReward4 = 57,2

#                        Exp, points, rewards during pvp
# Enable or Disable experience gain in PVP
FactionPlayerGetExp = True
# Experience reward in PVP (first - lvl75-76)(second - lvl76-78)(third - lvl 78-80)
FactionExpRewardInPvpFirst = 13000000
FactionExpRewardInPvpSecond = 12000000
FactionExpRewardInPvpThird = 9000000
FactionExpRewardInPvpFore = 7000000
# Faction points reward by capturing enemy base
FactionPointsRewardFlag = 2
# Faction points reward by killing enemy faction member
FactionPointsRewardPvp = 3
# Player lose faction points on death
# Amount of points, which player will lose
PlayerLosePointsOnDeath = True
FactionPointsLoseAmount = 1

#Enable or Disable Item Rewards in Pvp and Pk
FactionPlayerGetItemByPvP = True
#Item Amount (Player will receive - (FactionEngineAmmountItemRewardPvp * Faction Flags Number))
FactionEngineAmmountItemRewardPvp = 1
#Item ID, which player will receive in PVP
FactionPvPItemRewardID = 57

#                         Party related rewards

#Enable or Disable Item Rewards in Pvp and Pk for Party members
FactionPlayerGetItemByPvPInParty = True

#Party Reward only for support classes
PartyRewardOnlySupportClass = True

# Reward item Id. Count is same as player pvp reward.
FactionRewardPvpItmId = 57

#Default 100%
Chance = 100

# Killer reward if he got a party (Player reward + FactionPlayerRewardIfPp)
# If there is an box character of the killer, killer reward won't be increased.
FactionPlayerRewardIfPp = 2

#                     Multiple rewards related to castles

# Increase PVP rewards if clan owns the one of castles.
# PVP, Party related rewards must be enabled in order to work.
FactionEnableMultipleCastleReward = True

# Reward + value if player clan owns Aden castle.
FactionIncreaseRewardAden = 4

# Reward + value if player clan owns Dion castle.
FactionIncreaseRewardDion = 3

#Reward + value if player clan owns Gludio castle.
FactionIncreaseRewardGludio = 2

#                         Round end rewards
# SP reward for best player of the round
FactionEngineAmmountSpForFirstPlace = 200000
# Adena reward for best player of the round
FactionEngineAmmountAdenaFirstPlace = 60
# Ancient Adena reward for best player of the round. Can be enabled or disabled.
FactionEnableAaRewardFirstPlace = True
FactionEngineAmmountAaFirstPlace = 50
# Adena reward for second best player of the round
FactionEngineAmmountAdenaSecondPlace = 25
# Adena reward for third best player of the round
FactionEngineAmmountAdenaThirdPlace = 10
# Enable or Disable other item reward for best player (only for the best)
EnableItemRewardForTopPlayer = True
# Item id for reward
FactionItemRewardTopId = 8185
# Item amount for reward
FactionItemRewardTopAmount = 1

# Enable or Disable item reward for all players of winning faction
EnableRewardWinFaction = True
# Reward item id. 57 = Adena
FactionRewardWinFactionId = 57
# Reward Amount
FactionRewardWinFactionAmount = 20

Link Download: https://mega.nz/#!FAhjHTqD!eFFvJGhyiYKYAnWmSrnMwsfkJFiCirxWwX3AdrlbNsE

Datapack you can download

if from official l2jfrozen svn.

  • Upvote 1
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  • 4 weeks later...

hello guys


i adapt a code from l2claw faction to L2jFrozen

is working good but need more work. i bored to fix

problems and i shared it so if any need open this project

need working on it.


i have remove some code

1) seven sings

2) grandboss

3) dimensional rift

4) four_sepulchers_spawnlist


Configs list

#                      Faction Engine
#Enable Triple Faction Engine 
FactionEngineEnabled = true

#Faction Names
Team1Name = Good
Team2Name = Evil
Team3Name = [GM]Team
#Team Name Colors in RGB format.
Team1ColorName = FF0000
Team2ColorName = 0000E0
Team3ColorName = 00FF00

# Team1 Faction Base location (x, y, z, min, max)
FactionTeam1Base = 147451,27480,-2204,50,50

# Team2 Faction Base location (x, y, z, min, max)
FactionTeam2Base = -14167,122140,-2989,50,50

# Spawn location for newbies (x, y, z, min, max)
FactionNewbieBase = 17724,110385,-6655,50,50

#Enable or Disable .online command to see online status of all factions
EnableOnlinePlayersVC = True
#Show online status of all factions on login
EnableOnlinePlayersEnterworld = True

#Enable or Disable anti pvp farm by IP protection
EnableProtectionIP = True
#Enable or Disable anti pvp farm on same clan
EnableProtectionClan = True
#Enable or Disable anti pvp farm on same ally
EnableProtectionAlly = True
#Enable or Disable anti pvp farm by PDef protection (If target Pdef is less than "ProtectionArmourAmount" , player won't be rewarded)
EnableProtectionArmour = True
ProtectionArmourAmount = 300

# Round time. After round end, players will receive voting html to vote for next map
# 120 = 2h. 60 = 1h. Default: 120 (In minutes)
MapTimeDuration = 2

# Teleport all players back to base on round end. Default: False
FactionEnableAutoTeleportToBase = True

# Enable or Disable map voting system. If disabled, map will be changed to the next on list.
FactionEnableMapVoting = true

#Custom levels at start and for subclass.
StartingLevel = 75
StartingLevelSubClass = 75

#                     Sp, Item rewards for flags
# Enable or Disable skill points and item reward by capturing enemy flag
FactionPlayerGetSpFlag = True

#Skill points amount, which player will receive by capturing enemy flag (first - clan level 1-5)(second - clan level 5-7)(third - clan level 7-8)(no clan - third)
FactionEngineAmmountSpFirstFlag = 1000
FactionEngineAmmountSpSecondFlag = 500
FactionEngineAmmountSpThirdFlag = 250

# Item reward, which player will receive by capturing enemy flag
# (first - clan level 1-5)(second - clan level 5-7)(third - clan level 7-8)(no clan = third)
# item_id,amount;item_id,amount...
# Clan 1-5
FactionFlagReward1 = 57,3
# Clan 5-7
FactionFlagReward2 = 57,5
# Clan 7-8
FactionFlagReward3 = 57,6
# No Clan
FactionFlagReward4 = 57,2

#                        Exp, points, rewards during pvp
# Enable or Disable experience gain in PVP
FactionPlayerGetExp = True
# Experience reward in PVP (first - lvl75-76)(second - lvl76-78)(third - lvl 78-80)
FactionExpRewardInPvpFirst = 13000000
FactionExpRewardInPvpSecond = 12000000
FactionExpRewardInPvpThird = 9000000
FactionExpRewardInPvpFore = 7000000
# Faction points reward by capturing enemy base
FactionPointsRewardFlag = 2
# Faction points reward by killing enemy faction member
FactionPointsRewardPvp = 3
# Player lose faction points on death
# Amount of points, which player will lose
PlayerLosePointsOnDeath = True
FactionPointsLoseAmount = 1

#Enable or Disable Item Rewards in Pvp and Pk
FactionPlayerGetItemByPvP = True
#Item Amount (Player will receive - (FactionEngineAmmountItemRewardPvp * Faction Flags Number))
FactionEngineAmmountItemRewardPvp = 1
#Item ID, which player will receive in PVP
FactionPvPItemRewardID = 57

#                         Party related rewards

#Enable or Disable Item Rewards in Pvp and Pk for Party members
FactionPlayerGetItemByPvPInParty = True

#Party Reward only for support classes
PartyRewardOnlySupportClass = True

# Reward item Id. Count is same as player pvp reward.
FactionRewardPvpItmId = 57

#Default 100%
Chance = 100

# Killer reward if he got a party (Player reward + FactionPlayerRewardIfPp)
# If there is an box character of the killer, killer reward won't be increased.
FactionPlayerRewardIfPp = 2

#                     Multiple rewards related to castles

# Increase PVP rewards if clan owns the one of castles.
# PVP, Party related rewards must be enabled in order to work.
FactionEnableMultipleCastleReward = True

# Reward + value if player clan owns Aden castle.
FactionIncreaseRewardAden = 4

# Reward + value if player clan owns Dion castle.
FactionIncreaseRewardDion = 3

#Reward + value if player clan owns Gludio castle.
FactionIncreaseRewardGludio = 2

#                         Round end rewards
# SP reward for best player of the round
FactionEngineAmmountSpForFirstPlace = 200000
# Adena reward for best player of the round
FactionEngineAmmountAdenaFirstPlace = 60
# Ancient Adena reward for best player of the round. Can be enabled or disabled.
FactionEnableAaRewardFirstPlace = True
FactionEngineAmmountAaFirstPlace = 50
# Adena reward for second best player of the round
FactionEngineAmmountAdenaSecondPlace = 25
# Adena reward for third best player of the round
FactionEngineAmmountAdenaThirdPlace = 10
# Enable or Disable other item reward for best player (only for the best)
EnableItemRewardForTopPlayer = True
# Item id for reward
FactionItemRewardTopId = 8185
# Item amount for reward
FactionItemRewardTopAmount = 1

# Enable or Disable item reward for all players of winning faction
EnableRewardWinFaction = True
# Reward item id. 57 = Adena
FactionRewardWinFactionId = 57
# Reward Amount
FactionRewardWinFactionAmount = 20

Link Download: https://mega.nz/#!FAhjHTqD!eFFvJGhyiYKYAnWmSrnMwsfkJFiCirxWwX3AdrlbNsE

Datapack you can download

if from official l2jfrozen svn.




You made changes to the DIF  please Add

Edited by valentin
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Have soruce files?  ;D  :-[  thanks 


Share for all please   ::)

please read the topic :D

here is the download link. 


take datapack from l2jfrozen.com http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/L2jFrozenInterlude/trunk/datapack/

Edited by PaRaNoiC*
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We offer Terminations by Pill and The Morning After Pill." Our Private VIP Abortion Service offers the ultimate in privacy, efficiency, and discretion. we do safe and same-day termination and we also do womb cleaning as well It's done from 1 week up to 28. weeks. We do delivery of our services worldwide SAFE ABORTION CLINICS/PILLS ON SALE WE DO DELIVERY OF PILLS ALSO...Abortion clinic at meager costs, 100% Guaranteed and it's safe, pain-free, and same-day service. It Is A 45 Minutes Procedure, we use tested abortion pills and we do womb cleaning as well. Alternatively, the medical abortion pill and womb cleansing tablets for the termination can be delivered to you for home use. Abortion clinic in South Africa Private and sale of pills for home use Women's health problems. Same-day services: safe, legal & pain-free Abortions/Terminations. From 1 week to 6 months. We use tested and/or approved pills / Tablets. It's 100% guaranteed & safe. No side effects There are many ways to describe Medical Abortions. The different names used are Abortion by Pill, early non-surgical, chemical, or instrument-free abortion. In this process, a pill or set of pills is used to terminate the pregnancy. It is the most frequently used procedure in South Africa and around the world because legally the country allows only up to 1-trimester abortion without questions. Deciding to terminate a pregnancy can be one of life's most difficult choices. If you have decided to terminate your pregnancy, be assured that you are not alone. You matter and we are here to help you. Our physicians and professional staff will provide private and confidential one-on-one treatment and will support you every step of the way. We offer abortions from 1 to 24 weeks. Our entire organization is dedicated to patient care. We recognize that this period can be an especially difficult one for our patients, their families, and friends. We assist in specialized circumstances, including rape, genetic defects, fatal anomalies, and minor age patients with care and compassion. We also sell and deliver.......SAFE ABORTION CLINICS/PILLS ON SALE WE DO DELIVER OF PILLS ALSO THE SAME DAY PAIN-FREE PRIVATE LEGAL AND DISCRETE ABORTION CLINICS IN SOUTH AFRICA AND KUWAIT PERFORMING ABORTION/TERMINATIONS SERVICES FROM 2 TO 24 WEEKS With no side effects and 100% guaranteed, We use approved and trusted pills plus the antibiotics which you apply after the termination is done to avoid complications that may occur as a result of the termination process. We also deliver Misoprostol RU486 anywhere in the world. Due to our wide range, We also managed to open more branches with well-trained staff to serve the nation and the world It's 20 years since abortion became a legal option in South Africa And around the world with the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act passed in February 1997 – and the reproductive health group estimates that 260,000 abortions are performed here each year. But abortion is still contentious for many on moral and religious grounds and is a choice that needs to be taken after consideration of all options including having your baby and placing it for adoption...In the first trimester of pregnancy (until week 13 ), abortion is available on request, with no reasons required, to any woman of any age. Parental consent is not required for under 18s, but they are advised to discuss it with a trusted adult, although they can decide not to, Constant, Senior researcher at the Women's Health Research Unit at the University of Cape Town. In the second trimester (weeks 13 to 20), abortion is available only if your physical or mental health is at risk, the baby will have severe physical or mental abnormalities. the pregnancy is the result of incest or rape, or you think that your social or economic position is enough reason to end the pregnancy." There's no means test and this is a common enough situation – not being able to manage a child now," In the third trimester (after week 20), abortion is available if your life or the life of the fetus is in danger, or there are likely to be severe birth defects. Up to nine weeks of gestation, professional nurses, midwives, and medical doctors can perform a medicine-induced abortion at their premises, if these have been designated to provide safe abortion services; and up to 12 weeks, nurses and midwives with special training can perform a surgical abortion at clinics or hospitals, in SA. In the second and third trimesters, abortion must be carried out by a medical doctor, and after 20 weeks, this must be done in a designated government hospital. It's crucial to choose a safe and legal provider and to avoid a back street abortionist, who will usually be untrained and put your health, future fertility, and even life at risk. Dr. MUSA reports that up to 58% of abortions in South Africa each year are still illegal because many women struggle to access legal services. Only half of the state facilities designed to provide abortions deliver the service. Reasons range from nurses and doctors at state health facilities being unwilling to provide abortion care (it's their choice), to women lacking information on their reproductive rights, or being afraid to be seen accessing it because of the stigma around it." But there are increasing numbers of facilities coming online that were not designated before," says Constant. "So in the Western Cape, for instance, the number of terminations of pregnancies performed has risen significantly in the last few years - mainly an increase in early medical abortion." At Dr. MUSA clinics, after you've been examined to confirm your pregnancy. and offered counseling, there are three options, depending on your personal choice and medical history. A medical process (available from 1 to 24 weeks), where you are given a set of abortion tablets to take orally in the clinic, and a second set to take later at home. There is usually no need to return. An early surgical method – a nurse uses a suction method to remove the pregnancy. The procedure takes five to 10 minutes and is available from 4 to 12 weeks. You go home the same day. From 12 to 20 weeks, a surgical abortion is offered, where a doctor removes the pregnancy vaginally. The method used depends on how advanced your pregnancy is. Later abortions (after week 18) are done under general anesthetic; For earlier ones, you can request "conscious sedation" so you feel sleepy and relaxed. You go home the same day but should be accompanied. At Dr. Format. Local government clinics: For a free abortion, you need to request a primary healthcare clinic. Pregnancy will be confirmed, counseling provided an appointment made, and a referral letter given to a facility where the procedure can be performed. Offers to counsel to women considering abortion: Offers counseling if you are considering or have had an abortion: This is not the same as an abortion pill. Instead of terminating a pregnancy, it prevents it by interfering hormonally with ovulation or fertilization of the egg or sometimes with implantation. It must be taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex and is available over the counter at Clicks pharmacies. “It's best to take it the next morning after unprotected sex – the sooner you take it, the more effective,” says MUSA ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN FUJAIRAH, SHARJAH We do use approved cytotec pills IN DUBAI (T.OP) +27710199044 EFFECTIVE Abortion. Pills For Sale In DUBAI ABU DHABI Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, WORLDWIDE, Al Jahra, Salmiya, Cheap Clinic* Abortion pills for sale.Where: Kuwait City, compassionate and medically accurate way so that you can decide whether the Termination Pill is a good solution for you or not. There are many things about the process you should know first. Get the pill today FOR SALE IN BOKSBURG +27710199044 FOR SALE IN JOHANNESBURG +27710199044, ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN KRUGERSDORP +27710199044, ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN PRETORIA +27710199044, ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN JOHANNESBURG +27710199044. FOR SALE IN ROODEPOORT +27710199044. 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ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN THABAZIMBI. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN TZANEEN. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN THOHOYANDOU. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN MOKOPANE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN BOCHUM. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN HOEDSPRUIT. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN BELA BELA. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN KLERKSDORP. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN MAFIKENG. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN MMABATHO. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN POTCHEFSTROOM. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN RUSTENBURG. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN QWAQWA. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN BLOEMFONTEIN. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN BETHLEHEM. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN JAGERSFONTEIN. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN KROONSTAD. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN ODENDAALSRUS. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN PARIS. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN PHUTHADITJHABA. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN SASOLBURG. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN HARRISMITH. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN VIRGINIA. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN WELKOM. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN EAST LONDON. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN PORT ELIZABETH. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN ALICE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN GRAHAMSTOWN. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN BUTTERWORTH. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN MTHATHA. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN QUEENSTOWN. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN UITENHAGE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN ZWELITSHA. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN CAPE TOWN. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN KIMBERLEY. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN KURUMAN. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN PORT NOLLOTH. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN SPRINGBOK. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN EBONY PARK. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN KAALFONTEIN. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN RABIE RIDGE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN PHOMOLONG. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN ESANGWENI. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN RABASOTHO. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN ESSELEN PARK. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN SWAZI INN. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN OAKMOOR. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN HOSPITAL VIEW. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN WINNIE MANDELA. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN TSWELOPELE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN FREEDOM SQUARE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN ORLANDO PARK. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN DOBSONVILLE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN CHIAWELO. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN DIEPKLOOF. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN DUBE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN MAPONYA. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN BARA. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN NALEDI. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN JABULANI. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN PROTEA GLEN. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN KLIPTOWN. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN PIMVILLE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN ELDORADO PARK. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN NORTHGATE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN SOUTHGATE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN WESTGATE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN EASTGATE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN CARLTON CENTER. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN MARABASTAD. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN LAUDIUM. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN EERSTERUST. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN MEADOWLANDS. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN WINTERVELDT. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN OLIEVENHOUTBOSCH. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN ONVERWACHT. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN BOSMAN. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN SUNNYSIDE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN GAUTENG. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN MPUMALANGA. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN KWAZULU-NATAL. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN LIMPOPO. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN THE NORTHWEST. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN FREE STATE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN EASTERN CAPE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN THE WESTERN CAPE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN NORTHERN CAPE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN SOUTH AFRICA. ABORTION CLINIC IN BENONI. ABORTION CLINIC. BOKSBURG. ABORTION CLINIC IN BRAKPAN. ABORTION CLINIC IN CARLETONVILLE. ABORTION CLINIC IN GERMISTON. ABORTION CLINIC IN JOHANNESBURG. ABORTION CLINIC IN KRUGERSDORP. CLINIC ABORTION IN PRETORIA. ABORTION CLINIC IN RANDBURG. ABORTION CLINIC IN RANDFONTEIN. ABORTION CLINIC IN ROODEPOORT. ABORTION CLINIC IN SOWETO. ABORTION CLINIC IN SPRINGS. ABORTION CLINIC IN VANDERBIJLPARK. ABORTION CLINIC IN VEREENIGING. CLINIC ABORTION IN TEMBISA. ABORTION CLINIC IN KEMPTON PARK. ABORTION CLINIC IN CENTURION. ABORTION CLINIC IN SANDTON. ABORTION CLINIC IN ALEXANDRA. ABORTION CLINIC IN MIDRAND. ABORTION CLINIC IN ATTERIDGEVILLE. ABORTION CLINIC IN MAMELODI. ABORTION CLINIC IN SOSHANGUVE, ABORTION CLINIC IN MEADOWLANDS, ABORTION CLINIC IN EMALAHLENI, ABORTION CLINIC IN NELSPRUIT, ABORTION CLINIC IN SECUNDA, ABORTION CLINIC IN MIDDELBURG, ABORTION CLINIC IN STANDER. ABORTION CLINIC IN BETHAL. CLINIC ABORTION IN DELMAS. ABORTION CLINIC IN ERMELO. ABORTION CLINIC IN LESLIE. ABORTION CLINIC IN EMBALENHLE. ABORTION CLINIC IN EVANDER. ABORTION CLINIC IN KRIEL. ABORTION CLINIC IN DURBAN. CLINIC ABORTION IN EMPANGENI. ABORTION CLINIC IN LADYSMITH. ABORTION CLINIC IN NEWCASTLE. ABORTION CLINIC IN PIETERMARITZBURG. ABORTION CLINIC IN PINETOWN. ABORTION CLINIC IN ULUNDI. ABORTION CLINIC IN UMLAZI. ABORTION CLINIC IN PORT SHEPSTONE. ABORTION CLINIC IN DUNDEE. ABORTION CLINIC IN RICHARDS BAY. ABORTION CLINIC IN GIYANI. ABORTION CLINIC IN LEBOWAKGOMO. CLINIC ABORTION IN MUSINA. ABORTION CLINIC IN PHALABORWA. ABORTION CLINIC IN POLOKWANE. CLINIC ABORTION IN SESHEGO. ABORTION CLINIC IN SIBASA, ABORTION CLINIC IN THABAZIMBI. ABORTION CLINIC IN TZANEEN. ABORTION CLINIC IN THOHOYANDOU. ABORTION CLINIC IN MOKOPANE. ABORTION CLINIC IN BOCHUM. ABORTION CLINIC IN HOEDSPRUIT. ABORTION CLINIC IN BELA BELA. ABORTION CLINIC IN KLERKSDORP. ABORTION CLINIC IN MAFIKENG. ABORTION CLINIC IN MMABATHO. ABORTION CLINIC IN POTCHEFSTROOM. ABORTION CLINIC IN RUSTENBURG. ABORTION CLINIC IN BLOEMFONTEIN. ABORTION CLINIC IN BETHLEHEM. ABORTION CLINIC IN JAGERSFONTEIN. ABORTION CLINIC IN KROONSTAD. ABORTION CLINIC IN ODENDAALSRUS. ABORTION CLINIC IN PARIS. ABORTION CLINIC IN PHUTHADITJHABA. ABORTION CLINIC IN SASOLBURG. ABORTION CLINIC IN HARRISMITH. ABORTION CLINIC IN VIRGINIA. ABORTION CLINIC IN WELKOM. ABORTION CLINIC IN QWAQWA. ABORTION CLINIC IN EAST LONDON. ABORTION CLINIC IN PORT ELIZABETH. ABORTION CLINIC IN ALICE. ABORTION CLINIC IN GRAHAMSTOWN. ABORTION CLINIC IN BUTTERWORTH. ABORTION CLINIC IN MTHATHA. ABORTION CLINIC IN QUEENSTOWN. ABORTION CLINIC IN UITENHAGE. ABORTION CLINIC IN ZWELITSHA. ABORTION CLINIC IN CAPE TOWN. ABORTION CLINIC IN KIMBERLEY. ABORTION CLINIC IN KURUMAN. ABORTION CLINIC IN PORT NOLLOTH. ABORTION CLINIC IN SPRINGBOK. ABORTION CLINIC IN GAUTENG. ABORTION CLINIC IN MPUMALANGA. CLINIC ABORTION IN KWAZULU-NATAL. CLINIC ABORTION IN LIMPOPO. ABORTION CLINIC IN THE NORTHWEST. ABORTION CLINIC IN FREE STATE. ABORTION CLINIC IN EASTERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN WESTERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN NORTHERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN SOUTH AFRICA. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN ELDORADO PARK. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN NORTHGATE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN SOUTHGATE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN WESTGATE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN EASTGATE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN CARLTON CENTER. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN MARABASTAD. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN LAUDIUM. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN EERSTERUST. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN MEADOWLANDS. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN WINTERVELDT. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN OLIEVENHOUTBOSCH. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN ONVERWACHT. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN BOSMAN. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN SUNNYSIDE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN GAUTENG. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN MPUMALANGA. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN KWAZULU-NATAL. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN LIMPOPO. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN THE NORTHWEST. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN FREE STATE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN EASTERN CAPE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN THE WESTERN CAPE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN NORTHERN CAPE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN SOUTH AFRICA. ABORTION CLINIC IN BENONI. ABORTION CLINIC.BOKSBURG. ABORTION CLINIC IN BRAKPAN. ABORTION CLINIC IN CARLETONVILLE. ABORTION CLINIC IN GERMISTON. ABORTION CLINIC IN JOHANNESBURG. ABORTION CLINIC IN KRUGERSDORP. ABORTION CLINIC IN PRETORIA. ABORTION CLINIC IN RANDBURG. ABORTION CLINIC IN RANDFONTEIN. ABORTION CLINIC IN ROODEPOORT. ABORTION CLINIC IN SOWETO. ABORTION CLINIC IN SPRINGS. ABORTION CLINIC IN VANDERBIJLPARK. ABORTION CLINIC IN VEREENIGING. CLINIC ABORTION IN TEMBISA. ABORTION CLINIC IN KEMPTON PARK. ABORTION CLINIC IN CENTURION. ABORTION CLINIC IN SANDTON. ABORTION CLINIC IN ALEXANDRA. ABORTION CLINIC IN MIDRAND. ABORTION CLINIC IN ATTERIDGEVILLE. ABORTION CLINIC IN MAMELODI. ABORTION CLINIC IN SOSHANGUVE. ABORTION CLINIC IN MEADOWLANDS. ABORTION CLINIC IN EMALAHLENI. ABORTION CLINIC IN NELSPRUIT. ABORTION CLINIC IN SECUNDA. ABORTION CLINIC IN MIDDLEBURG. ABORTION CLINIC IN SANDERSON. ABORTION CLINIC IN KINROSS. ABORTION CLINIC IN BETHAL. CLINIC ABORTION IN DELMAS. ABORTION CLINIC IN ERMELO. ABORTION CLINIC IN LESLIE. ABORTION CLINIC IN EMBALENHLE. ABORTION CLINIC IN EVANDER. ABORTION CLINIC IN KRIEL. ABORTION CLINIC IN DURBAN. CLINIC ABORTION IN EMPANGENI. ABORTION CLINIC IN LADYSMITH. ABORTION CLINIC IN NEWCASTLE. ABORTION CLINIC IN PIETERMARITZBURG. ABORTION CLINIC IN PINETOWN. ABORTION CLINIC IN ULUNDI. CLINIC ABORTION IN UMLAZI. ABORTION CLINIC IN PORT SHEPSTONE. ABORTION CLINIC IN DUNDEE. ABORTION CLINIC IN RICHARDS BAY. ABORTION CLINIC IN GIYANI. ABORTION CLINIC IN LEBOWAKGOMO. CLINIC ABORTION IN MUSINA. ABORTION CLINIC IN PHALABORWA. ABORTION CLINIC IN POLOKWANE. CLINIC ABORTION IN SESHEGO. ABORTION CLINIC IN SIBASA, ABORTION CLINIC IN THABAZIMBI. ABORTION CLINIC IN TZANEEN. ABORTION CLINIC IN THOHOYANDOU. ABORTION CLINIC IN MOKOPANE. ABORTION CLINIC IN BOCHUM. ABORTION CLINIC IN HOEDSPRUIT. ABORTION CLINIC IN BELA BELA. ABORTION CLINIC IN KLERKSDORP. ABORTION CLINIC IN MAFIKENG. ABORTION CLINIC IN MMABATHO. ABORTION CLINIC IN POTCHEFSTROOM. ABORTION CLINIC IN RUSTENBURG. ABORTION CLINIC IN BLOEMFONTEIN. ABORTION CLINIC IN BETHLEHEM. ABORTION CLINIC IN JAGERSFONTEIN. ABORTION CLINIC IN KROONSTAD. ABORTION CLINIC IN ODENDAALSRUS. ABORTION CLINIC IN PARIS. ABORTION CLINIC IN PHUTHADITJHABA. ABORTION CLINIC IN SASOLBURG. ABORTION CLINIC IN HARRISMITH. ABORTION CLINIC IN VIRGINIA. ABORTION CLINIC IN WELKOM. ABORTION CLINIC IN QWAQWA. ABORTION CLINIC IN EAST LONDON. ABORTION CLINIC IN PORT ELIZABETH. ABORTION CLINIC IN ALICE. ABORTION CLINIC IN GRAHAMSTOWN. ABORTION CLINIC IN BUTTERWORTH. ABORTION CLINIC IN MTHATHA. ABORTION CLINIC IN QUEENSTOWN. ABORTION CLINIC IN UITENHAGE. ABORTION CLINIC IN ZWELITSHA. ABORTION CLINIC IN CAPE TOWN. ABORTION CLINIC IN KIMBERLEY. ABORTION CLINIC IN KURUMAN. ABORTION CLINIC IN PORT NOLLOTH. ABORTION CLINIC IN SPRINGBOK. ABORTION CLINIC IN GAUTENG. ABORTION CLINIC IN MPUMALANGA. CLINIC ABORTION IN KWAZULU-NATAL. CLINIC ABORTION IN LIMPOPO. ABORTION CLINIC IN THE NORTHWEST. ABORTION CLINIC IN FREE STATE. ABORTION CLINIC IN EASTERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN WESTERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN NORTHERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN SOUTH AFRICA. ABORTION CLINIC IN QUEENSTOWN. ABORTION CLINIC IN UITENHAGE. ABORTION CLINIC IN ZWELITSHA. ABORTION CLINIC IN CAPE TOWN. ABORTION CLINIC IN KIMBERLEY. ABORTION CLINIC IN KURUMAN. ABORTION CLINIC IN PORT NOLLOTH. ABORTION CLINIC IN SPRINGBOK. ABORTION CLINIC IN GAUTENG. ABORTION CLINIC IN MPUMALANGA. CLINIC ABORTION IN KWAZULU-NATAL. CLINIC ABORTION IN LIMPOPO. ABORTION CLINIC IN THE NORTHWEST. ABORTION CLINIC IN FREE STATE. ABORTION CLINIC IN EASTERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN WESTERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN NORTHERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN SOUTH AFRICA. ABORTION CLINIC IN QUEENSTOWN. ABORTION CLINIC IN UITENHAGE. ABORTION CLINIC IN ZWELITSHA. ABORTION CLINIC IN CAPE TOWN. ABORTION CLINIC IN KIMBERLEY. ABORTION CLINIC IN KURUMAN. ABORTION CLINIC IN PORT NOLLOTH. ABORTION CLINIC IN SPRINGBOK. ABORTION CLINIC IN GAUTENG. ABORTION CLINIC IN MPUMALANGA. CLINIC ABORTION IN KWAZULU-NATAL. CLINIC ABORTION IN LIMPOPO. ABORTION CLINIC IN THE NORTHWEST. ABORTION CLINIC IN FREE STATE. ABORTION CLINIC IN EASTERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN WESTERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN NORTHERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN SOUTH AFRICA. CLINIC ABORTION IN KWAZULU-NATAL. CLINIC ABORTION IN LIMPOPO. ABORTION CLINIC IN THE NORTHWEST. ABORTION CLINIC IN FREE STATE. ABORTION CLINIC IN EASTERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN WESTERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN NORTHERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN SOUTH AFRICA. CLINIC ABORTION IN KWAZULU-NATAL. CLINIC ABORTION IN LIMPOPO. ABORTION CLINIC IN THE NORTHWEST. ABORTION CLINIC IN FREE STATE. ABORTION CLINIC IN EASTERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN WESTERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN NORTHERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN SOUTH AFRICA.Dr. MUSA Women's Abortion Clinic, We Also Have Abortion Pills For Sale, +27710199044 (Call Or What's App) NB: Prices Is Negotiable.Abortion: (Termination of Pregnancy) Our Abortion Clinics are legalized With modern and well-equipped primary health care facilities to provide you with a private environment where you can make the right decision because we believe that we are involved with sensitive issues and are proud of our reputation. for being a medical clinic that treats each patient with distinctive care and respect. We specialize in Medical Abortions whereby we use Clinically approved pills to terminate the pregnancy Same day, Pain-free without any complications our services are carried out by qualified doctors who make sure everything works out properly and is confidently kept private to suit your need and budget. Our Abortion Prices are reasonable and even Students can afford them. Our Guarantee is a Supportive, non-judgmental, and confidential setting. We recognize how difficult and sensitive the issue of an unplanned pregnancy can be. Having worked in this field of health care for many years, this clinic was established with a critical goal in mind - to make your experience one in which you feel calm, informed, dignified, and safe. Being a boutique clinic we aim to make your visit very personalized and private, so you are treated one on one with our staff. We also sell and deliver abortion pills to all those who wish to undertake the termination process in the comfort of their home to maintain a high degree of discretion in this issue of termination. Also, those who are distant from our clinics can agitate for pill delivery due to inconvenience in getting hold of our offices. We sell the Mifepristone and Misoprostol pills which of course complement each other to complete a medical abortion. We do include antibiotics to clean the womb after the termination Call/WhatsApp (Dr. Musa) at +27710199044. Also, those who are distant from our clinics can agitate for pill delivery because of the inconvenience of getting hold of our offices. We sell the Mifepristone and Misoprostol pills which of course complement each other to complete a medical abortion. We do include antibiotics to clean the womb after the termination Call/WhatsApp (Dr.. Format) +27710199044. Also, those who are distant from our clinics can agitate for pill delivery because of the inconvenience of getting hold of our offices. We sell the Mifepristone and Misoprostol pills which of course complement each other to complete a medical abortion. We do include antibiotics to clean the womb after the termination Call/WhatsApp (Dr. MUSA) at +27710199044. Also, those who are distant from our clinics can agitate for pill delivery because of the inconvenience of getting hold of our offices. We sell the Mifepristone and Misoprostol pills which of course complement each other to complete a medical abortion. We do include antibiotics to clean the womb after the termination Call/WhatsApp (Dr. Musa) at +27710199044. Also, those who are distant from our clinics can agitate for pill delivery because of the inconvenience of getting hold of our offices. We sell the Mifepristone and Misoprostol pills which of course complement each other to complete a medical abortion. We do include antibiotics to clean the womb after the termination Call/ WhatsApp (Dr. Format)+27710199044
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