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Players Cerebral Hole Wide Open—Change On 6.2 Warcraft Plan


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WOW failure is known all week, one of the main of which is the fortress system failure.

WOW this is a need for a social game, but large independent planes fortress established direct daily significantly reduced the players to meet and exchange, but also for small quite unfriendly. Cheap wow gold is badly needed now


So how to improve it? It is simple - the fortress to public planes, then involve changes to the content will be very large, such as WOD's personal story will be rewritten, the commander will not be the commander, but all of a hero. And buy wow gold has become a new trend. Changes are as follows:




1. Stronghold region a common bit plane, everyone can enjoy all the features fortress, but even without going through the small fortress upgrade directly enjoy three buildings, but efforts are still needed to unlock part of welfare. Cheap wow gold is badly needed now


2. The commander Drama canceled fortress for the public hero Qi collect resources built.


3. fortress construction mode using the schedule type map, similar MOP Raytheon Island, TBC Kui Island.


The followers of changes: to assist the NPC, referred ANPC.


5. Building changes: including barracks, factories, stables, mage tower, bunkers, warehouses, sawmill, hotels, barns and the like.


6. Fortress Invasion: Battle Scene 5 people into the team, we need at least one person qualified to open the fortress invasion before entering.


7. dock: all vessels in Hong Kong, 10 vessels limited delegated the task; the boat will not sink, but need to consume maintenance costs (resources) and crude oil.


Others: Unlock flight conditions change, after 100 coins can be used directly to learn Delano flight operation. And buy wow gold has become a new trend.

Edited by lilyzhao
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