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[S&d] Eagle Eye


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That's a guide/tutorial in which you can find some nice spots to camp or hardscoping.
This tutorial based on Bl team. If you are in the aiming area and you are aiming at players position(in pics) you will have the same results.
Nothing can change (except the team, cause you will be GR).   :P

So, let's start !!

In order to kill the enemy you need to follow the steps below.
You will target at the point of the red circle as in the pic, but you will looking in the arrow.
When you will see the head, you will shoot.
In the red circle 1/4 times there is a chance to see someone camping right  there. If you don't notice him you will instantly die.
So if you are playing awm game then you should always check that spot.
That's a nice spot for someone to kill you if you are on tower .. it's not well-known though.
In that spot 9/10 times you will see someone(usually with awm) aiming at the right side of Bl base.
Nice camp to kill everyone that is coming from A long. Though you should be really careful since some of the players, to avoid you, jump over the box.
In that spot you can kill almost anyone that will pass the bridge at the begining. You should be careful though because some players(usually using awm) jump over rail and aiming at bl base and usually at your spot. ;)
The most usual camp in awm games .. Though lots of players use it in other games too (where every weap is allowed).
In this map i suggest to plant always in B .. as you can see you have a huge range & you can easily "protect" c4.
Most of the players doesn't know that spot. as you can see you can easily kill any camper in that spot.
It's not really easy to take this shot but with some patience everything can be done. ;)
From tower you can easily cover c4 at A .. i don't suggest it though cause the enemy can easily get a cover.
As you can see in that spot you can kill an enemy from A base to B. It's a nice spot but nothing special.
In the last spot we are aiming from A roof to hotel. You need to be very patient if you are trying to get that shot.
It's not easy to be done. Also you can see only enemy's head.
If you want to plant in A:
Drop smoke from Bl base to A long(close to A), rush and go cover your self at the box close to A.
With some help you can easily take down all enemies and plant c4 at A.
If you want to plant in B:
Drop smoke to B long (except if you are using a sniper or if you are having teammates with awm in your team , then drop smoke grenade to
the passage to the hotel. Be careful cause in boxes in bridge there are many campers. ;)
after that watch out while you entering to the hotel cause there is might be a camper in the upper corner. Also never rush in the hotel cause
enemies hardscopers are waiting in the other side of the hotel. I would suggest to use bridge and move to B.

If you want to ask anything reply below.
Credit for tutorial: Me
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