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Everything posted by Fyyre

  1. bot allows for automation of game play... do you remember l2walker? this was hands down the best bot (IMHO) .. allowed for automation of a character, or OOGWalker .. was a client w/o the client ^^ today, there is adrenaline ... i assume its like most other bots .. main difference being the author makes a living off of the thing, so you have what amounts to whole server 'guards' written to avoid adrenaline. will give author credz, has good working knowledge of windows internals (although you are no ms-rem or ep_x0ff; mr. pcoder.) although i think the reason people buy guards is their poorly founded fear of l2phx .. and some weird idea that any random idiot can download it and wreck havoc on a server ... simply untrue. besides, guards keep out the kiddos and inept - there is no solution that will stop a determined and skilled attacker. my 2cent.
  2. l2phx, html packet. at least this use to be the sure fire way to tell. a week? is that a staple for l2 as a whole? Hope not. Forsaken World server I ran had 99% uptime over 4 years. A week sounds truly pathetic.
  3. Makes sense. I do remember him starting RCE. He is a smart guy, he will go far.
  4. I always thought your team "money agnostic" nice to be proven wrong *smile*
  5. What l2off devs mate? I can count maybe 10, and all but 2 or 3 have retired... Although I will says props to eressea for her open source extender. L2 needs more people like her. I know you did great things with L2JUnity, even if I still think Nos is a little bitch *grin*
  6. No, it is not. It has collectively lowered the bar for Lineage II -- to the point any moron can open a server. Having been around since the start (l2off) and breaking in 2012 to return now.. the sorry state of Lineage II as whole... one only need look as far as the million java servers existing today. Whatever L2J inspires? Perhaps great things like idiot server owners paying big clans to play on the server. Talk about inverted logic. L2J will never be, or replace L2off or extenders... just as the level of skill required to create an extender... C/C++ and solid Intel asm knowledge vs a language that every "comp sci" wanna be is taught. Mm, and oh - congrats on your reverse engineering. I did the same years ago of malware rootkit driver Rustock B & C. IDA -> C source, 100% working. I will commend you for that.
  7. I am looking to purchase a Shillien Elder or Elven Elder, or higher... Requirements: Female character Min level 78 Non idiotic name (see foot notes) No reputation and certainly no bad reputation! (if the whole server hates you, no thanks!) Must be on NA retail server (no 4game no Skelth) *Non idiotic name means: no references to genitals, race, historical figure or sectarian group, or 4chan style crap! If you have such a character that meets ALL of my above requirements.. please reply to or PM me via this forum. Thanks =)
  8. People still trying to bypass the 'free anticheat' I made in 2008ish? Not sure whether to laugh or cry =D
  9. Okay... I see now. Interesting, I will look at fix in my spare time
  10. whole client(v83, GF PTS): (p.s. chrome will throw idiotic bad page warning, ignore it); http://ivory-tower.de/Files/Clients/Lineage2_GraciaFinal.7z
  11. Here... if not find, download one of my, and transfer to expansion of your selection. http://fyyre.ru/l2/transfer_colors.rar ..nevermind, it seem I make for H5: http://fyyre.ru/l2/colors-hb-v2.rar http://fyyre.ru/l2/colors-hb.rar
  12. Thank you Eressea for putting in plan English for those who not understand my hinting.
  13. Validate the DDS header for Crest on server side.
  14. Why is this expansion so popular? I never have understood the reason for it. Yes, it is one before Kamael.. . but are lack of Kamael and dino island really that fantastic?
  15. I use to make these... no incentive to just do it for the heck of it now though.
  16. Yes, I think as if everyone codes. Valid point, Eressea ~
  17. Guild crest exploit. Sending of malformed image, cause critical error for other players.
  18. Thanks, I will do some more checking =) I believe you will have success, the result thus far *very encouraging!*
  19. Simply epic. I hope you are able to correct issue with lighting =)
  20. Thanks for the link, lordofdest! Getting all of this working was a massive headache, hopefully this make easier for people. To the other fellow regarding packets, to be specific. You can find more or less all you need via (this is Gracia Final, v83 client .. however, the point remains the same no matter client): .text:1079D42C ; Exported entry 3846. ??_7UNetworkHandler@@6BUObject@@@ .text:1079D42C public const UNetworkHandler::`vftable'{for `UObject'} .text:1079D42C const UNetworkHandler::`vftable'{for `UObject'} dd offset loc_103FCF0E .text:1079D42C ; DATA XREF: UNetworkHandler::~UNetworkHandler(void)+1Fo .text:1079D42C ; UNetworkHandler::UNetworkHandler(void)+2Eo ... .text:1079D430 dd offset UObject::AddRef(void) .text:1079D434 dd offset UObject::Release(void) .text:1079D438 dd offset sub_1038CE10 .text:1079D43C dd offset UObject::ProcessEvent(UFunction *,void *,void *) .text:1079D440 dd offset UObject::ProcessDelegate(FName,FScriptDelegate *,void *,void *) .text:1079D444 dd offset UObject::ProcessState(float) .text:1079D448 dd offset UObject::ProcessRemoteFunction(UFunction *,void *,FFrame *) .text:1079D44C dd offset UObject::Modify(void) .text:1079D450 dd offset UObject::PostLoad(void) .text:1079D454 dd offset UNetworkHandler::Destroy(void) .text:1079D458 dd offset UObject::Serialize(FArchive &) .text:1079D45C dd offset FArchive::GetCriticalSection(void) .text:1079D460 dd offset UObject::GotoState(FName) .text:1079D464 dd offset UObject::GotoLabel(FName) .text:1079D468 dd offset UObject::InitExecution(void) .text:1079D46C dd offset UObject::ShutdownAfterError(void) .text:1079D470 dd offset UObject::PostEditChange(void) .text:1079D474 dd offset UObject::CallFunction(FFrame &,void * const,UFunction *) .text:1079D478 dd offset UObject::ScriptConsoleExec(ushort const *,FOutputDevice &,UObject *) .text:1079D47C dd offset UObject::Register(void) .text:1079D480 dd offset UObject::LanguageChange(void) .text:1079D484 dd offset FFileStream::~FFileStream(void) .text:1079D488 dd offset FArchive::CountBytes(ulong,ulong) .text:1079D48C dd offset UObject::Rename(ushort const *,UObject *) .text:1079D490 dd offset FArchive::AttachLazyLoader(FLazyLoader *) .text:1079D494 dd offset UObject::IsLoaded(void) .text:1079D498 dd offset UNetworkHandler::Tick(float) .text:1079D49C dd offset UNetworkHandler::Init(int,UGameEngine *) .text:1079D4A0 dd offset UNetworkHandler::ServerPacketCountStart(void) .text:1079D4A4 dd offset UNetworkHandler::ServerPacketCountStop(void) .text:1079D4A8 dd offset UNetworkHandler::ServerExPacketCountStart(void) .text:1079D4AC dd offset UNetworkHandler::ServerExPacketCountStop(void) .text:1079D4B0 dd offset UNetworkHandler::DispatchNetworkQueue(NetworkPacket * *) .text:1079D4B4 dd offset UNetworkHandler::AddNetworkQueue(NetworkPacket *) .text:1079D4B8 dd offset UNetworkHandler::GetServerID(void) .text:1079D4BC dd offset UNetworkHandler::GetPetInfo(void) .text:1079D4C0 dd offset UNetworkHandler::GetUser(ushort *) .text:1079D4C4 dd offset UNetworkHandler::GetUser(int) .text:1079D4C8 dd offset UNetworkHandler::GetUserByNpcID(int) .text:1079D4CC dd offset UNetworkHandler::SetMatchedStore(ushort *) .text:1079D4D0 dd offset UNetworkHandler::GetStaticObject(int) .text:1079D4D4 dd offset UNetworkHandler::GetItem(int) .text:1079D4D8 dd offset UNetworkHandler::GetVehicle(int) This is the UNetworkHandler VMT. It is exported from engine.dll, so finding it is always very easy... just look for: ??_7UNetworkHandler@@6BUObject@@@
  21. Try UNetworkHandler, engine.dll -- however, SDK not for packets so much. Already many tools to meddle with packets...
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